Google maps marketing- But why?

So, why Google maps marketing? Do you know any other kind of maps which is famous or available among the people? Think!!

The answer is no, but obviously. Google is the search engine giant which put together all the things available on internet at one place. And it is fact that if you want to know something you turn to Google, if you want to search something you turn to Google, for anything and everything Google is the first choice for most of the people. “80% of all purchases made on Google are within 15 mile radius of where people live. Additionally 76% of all web browsing is local content related on Google.” The fact itself states the usage of Google among the potential buyers.
Hence, using the services of this platform to make yourself known is no doubt will be your first choice too. And Google being the epitome of technical advancement has given the new way of market yourself among your customers and that is Google maps marketing.

You will be surprised to know that in US only there are almost 250 million people who search one or the other thing here. If this number is only from USA then you can well imagine the number for the entire world, still how many of those searches are for your company. A very small percentage and to increase that percentage and encourage customers to reach you, you have to put some little effort into it.

That little effort can start from making use of Google maps marketing strategy. There are lots of facts dwelling in the market about how many people use internet these days and how many of those searched gets converted in to the sale or potential leads. However, even if you don’t consider those facts, put yourself in that situation. Think yourself, when you need something what is the first step you take. You search the thing on internet and if the particular thing matches your parameter, you will most likely buy it. The same thing happens with your customers.


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